The Bronx is 25 percent park land. You probably didn't know that, did you? Well, it should come as no surprise that there's a fair amount of wildlife in the Bronx, which Jimmy and I discovered this weekend when we were at the New York Botanical Garden. Jimmy first spotted this adorable bunny (he was not concerned at all about us when we approached him), then we saw this freaky dinosaur!--I mean, turkey.
I will leave you with a little cotton tail. Bye bye, bunny!
Millions of kitties call New York City home. Here, some of the most special kitties get their 15 minutes of fame, complete with a cell-phone camera photo shoot!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Evel Knievel
This little cat, seen in Park Slope, is certainly a daredevil. It kept darting out into 9th Street, so I can only hope that it has good peripheral vision and quick reflexes...
Friday, June 21, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
I've said it before, and will say it again: Jimmy is the best at finding cats. He just has an excellent cat radar. This cat is a testament to his skill, as he saw it hiding under a van in a construction site in Bath Beach, so we named it after Jimmy's champion cat-spotting abilities.
Cat House
Jimmy and I were walking to an amazing Hong Kong dessert place in Bath Beach on Saturday night when Jimmy noticed a super fluffy black cat grooming itself on it's porch. Then we noticed another cat. Then another... then another! A guy who lives in the house happened to be taking out his trash as we were taking pictures so, in an effort to not look too creepy, I told him that I liked his four cats to which he responded, "there are even more inside." *gasp* He is even more of a cat lady than me.
Scribble's Love Interest
The other day Scribble was sitting in the window looking at seemingly nothing, until Jimmy noticed that she was watching a little cat outside! He tried really hard to get a picture of it, and swears that it is in this above picture. (I saw the cat, so can attest to the fact that Scribble was indeed watching him.) I am, however, skeptical, so I am going to post a really pretty picture he took of Scribby a few months ago, too.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
So yesterday I fully embodied my cat-lady self. I wore my cute cat-print dress to walk over to the pet store with Jimmy to buy cat food. On our way back, he spotted this adorable cat meowing in front of an apartment building. Since we had 14 pounds of cat food with us, we decided that Scribble and Doodle wouldn't mind if we shared some with the hungry kitty (or would they?). So we fed Freddy.
Here I am trying to lure the stray cat with kibble while wearing a cat dress. I trust that none of my friends or readers will ever use this picture against me:
And here is Freddy enjoying his snack:
Here I am trying to lure the stray cat with kibble while wearing a cat dress. I trust that none of my friends or readers will ever use this picture against me:
And here is Freddy enjoying his snack:
Jimmy and I were taking a walk in Bath Beach yesterday morning when we were distracted by a massive colony of ants on the sidewalk. After watching the ants for a bit, Jimmy looked up and saw this kitty watching US!
Monday, June 3, 2013
I saw this adorable cat in pet store today. She was wearing a super bling collar, which I found to be very appropriate since she lives in Tribeca. She was sleeping in the window of the same store where I saw Shopping Cat, but I don't think they are the same kitty since Shopping was mostly grey and black and Bling has a lot of orange in her fur.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
City Kitties Travels: Groomers
Heidi is reporting from abroad again. Her most recent find are two friends (perhaps family) grooming each other at the Museo Casa del Tejido in Antigua, Guatemala.