Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mad, Jr.

I am Mad, Jr. I am possibly a relative of Mad Cat, the kitty that live in the Dominican bodega in Brooklyn. I live in Queens, but not that far away. We have similar furs in that my furs are grey with pretty little orange tufts. Just like Mad! I am cute and rather happy, but I can't be Happy Cat because the folks at already took the name Happy Cat. So instead I am Mad, Jr.
Speak of the devil! Here is Happy Cat now:

Now that I think about it, maybe I am related to Mad Cat AND to Happy Cat. We are all grey and cute and have emotion-based names. That would be so great if I was related to a cat as famous as Happy Cat!

Just so you can see the rezemblinses, here is another picture of Mad Cat looking super cute, like meeee!:
The girl found me rolling around outside on the sidewalk near where she lives. I haven't been around for a while. I hope I am not homeless! By guys!

Pawn Shop Paws

Oh, hello there all you silly people walking into the hole in the ground. I am electronics store/pawn shop cat and I always sit in this window and watch dumb people go under ground. I don't think it is so bad under there, though, because usually people come out, too. But usually when people go underground they don't come back and when they do sometimes come back it is after many hours since the left in the first place! I wonder what is down there... but not too much because I would really rather just stay in my store. My store is located on the border of where Brooklyn and Queens meet. Technically, I live on the Brooklyn side, but when I am sitting in my window watching the world go by, I mostly see Queens. If you ever need some electronics or need to sell some stuffs you just, ahem, happened to come across, stop by and visit me!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Accordion Cat

Oh, hello. Let's be friends! Let me rub on you and scentmark you and you can bring me home. I live here at this bodega in Queens and I like to walk around outside and munch on grass... See? munch munch. I have a funny voice. It is very low and I sound like an accordion when I meow. Maybe I am a boycat. All I know is that I am very cute and friendly. My bodega owner is friendly, too, but not so cute! Also, this turd boy lives next door and he dragged me back to my store right in the middle of my grass snack! I was so mad at him. Those grasses were going to make good barfs.
I love you! Thank you! Come again!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pet Store Kitties

MEEEOOOOWWW! We are little itty bitty kitties that live at the pet store. We are sooo small and cute, but the girl is against buying pets at the pet store when you can save them from the pet jail. Anyway, we are cute, but also depressing because a lot of us had eye problems and there was lots of goop coming out of our eyes. The girl asked one of the employees at the pet store if we were ok and he said yes, usually that happens when litters gets in our eyes. But the girl kind of thinks that is b.s.
Anyway, we are cute and friendly and the girl hopes we got a nice home despite our goopy eyes. The girl will not be visiting any more kitties at our pet store anymore because it is too depressing.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


I am cheating cat because I don't actually live in New York City... for all anyone knows, I've never even been there! I am Scribble and Doodles fictive kin cousin Dewey. I am so super cute cat. I am all white and have green eyes. In this picture I am being a Christmas kitty hiding in the tree. I know a photo op when I see one ;) I live in Massachusetts with the girl's mom and dad and brother who are all now my mom and two boy moms.
The best thing about being me is that I have thumbs. My thumbs are so useful because I can hold my tail while I clean it. My sister Chloe is afraid of my thumbs... well, she is afraid of everything! But when she is bothering me, I show her my thumbs and runs away. Teehee.
I am friendly cat and one time I came back from Maine in the car and slept in the girl's lap the whole time. Except I shedded my furs all over her because I was little bit scared.
This picture on the left is me sitting in the sink in Maine. I am so cute. That sink is my size! The girl tried to make me famous on icanhascheezburger . com, but the webmasterpeople did not post my photo! They are so dumb, because this is probably the cutest picture to ever be submitted!
There will probably not be any pictures of my sister Chloe on this website because she is too scared of anyone to stay still long enough to have her picture taken. However, I just got a new little brother, Diego, so maybe he will be here someday with me!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Antique Store Cat

Hi, I am antique store cat. I live at an antique store in downtown Brooklyn on Atlantic Avenue. One time this girl was walking by and she saw me and thought I was cute-as-a-button and patted me and took pictures of me. I am like a big, fat Scribble... not as adorables, though. I sit on this here chair and get my furs on it. If anyone ever wants to buy it, they will have to reupholster it because of all the fur and scratch marks. That will probably bring down it's antiqueiness and value, but I don't care because I don't get a paycheck at this dump!