Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bun Bun
Ok, Bun Bun is obviously not a cat but he is so cute that I just had to post him. He is my brother's girlfriend Nina's bunny. Bun Bun is really small even though he is full grown and he is litter trained!
Mistoffelees, a.k.a. Missy
Here is Mistoffelees (or Missy), my mom's cat who was found in my friend's dad's yard. She loves to sit in laps and gets so relaxed that she drools everywhere.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Last night I went to a party at my friend Eva's new apartment in Kensington. Her cute cat, Claudius, managed to look after (and sit on) the coats in the bedroom while also taking the time to mingle with the guests :)
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Candy Cat
I have been trying to meet this cat for months. He lives at Economy Candy on the Lower East Side. I go to this store pretty regularly to satisfy my sweet tooth (and need for obscure/old-fashioned/imported candies) and was once told by an employee that a cat lives there. The problem is, the store is so packed with yummy stuff that it is hard to find the cat! But today I was lucky enough to have my first sighting when Candy Cat sashayed through the crowd. (He looks like he's been enjoying a bit of candy, too, doesn't he?)
This is Hank. He lives in Crown Heights with Dan and Katie. He is very big, as you can see in the picture above (with the beer bottle providing some scale), and has very pretty markings, as shown below.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Surprise Cat
To balance off my last post that featured a homeless cat which made me feel so sad, here is a cat with a home. I saw this cat in Bed-Stuy also on my way home from seeing the Dyker Heights lights. We stopped because my boyfriend saw a cat run under a car. I looked and looked for the cat, but couldn't find it. Just as we were about to continue on our bike ride home, I looked up and saw this cat watching us from it's window!
Change-of-Heart Kitten
Last night, my boyfriend and I rode our tandem bike to Dyker Heights to see the Christmas lights. On our way home, we passed through Bushwick where we saw this little kitten. It was frightened at first and hid under a car, but I lured it out to get a (poor quality) picture. I guess the kitten decided that we were nice people because as I went to get back on the bike, the kitten ran in front of us and meowed profusely. That made me so sad!!! I think it wanted to go home with us.
It is cold, so adopt a shelter cat (or dog)!
It is cold, so adopt a shelter cat (or dog)!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Sidewalk Drawing Cat
Friday, November 19, 2010
City Pige-y
Thursday, November 18, 2010
How to Giftwrap a Cat
I know what you're thinking: It's not even Thanksgiving yet! True, but giftwrapped kitties are cute all year round!
P.S. Don't know why the video is cut off on the right-hand side... my blogging skills = fail.
Morning Commute Distraction Cat
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
City Kitties Travels: Utah's Own Moaky
Friday, November 12, 2010
Saber-Toothed Cat
Not quite like the cats that usually make it into this blog, but it is still a cat! This saber-toothed cat was on display at the Newark Museum and, at one point in time, lived in the New York/New Jersey area.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
MaĆ®tre D’ Cat
I saw this cat last night (as is clearly apparent by the poor photo quality) in Park Slope. It was sitting in front of a restaurant greeting all of the passersby by running up to them and meowing. I almost didn't take it's picture because there was a large crowd of people that had just gotten off the subway when I saw it and I didn't want to look like a crazy person, but I couldn't resist. After I got to the end of the block, I turned back to take it's picture and pet it. I think it is a kitten because it is so small, but it looked well-fed. Hopefully it is the restaurant's cat!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Camera-shy Cat
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Neglected Cat
I regretted that I didn't take a picture of Neglected (who also was in desperate need of a brushing), but I was so worried about him that I didn't think of it until after the whole ordeal. Well, I got my chance today when Neglected was once again in the hallway. This time his apartment door was ajar. I thought of telling my neighbors that their cat likes to go on extra-apartment adventures when they leave the door open, but at this point if they don't realize that I don't think I can help them all that much. I expect to see Neglected again sometime in the near future.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
City Kitties Travels: Peekskill Peeper
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Roller Cat
I saw this kitty this afternoon while walking to the City Hall R stop. As in the case of Telepathic Cat, I was thinking about how I hadn't seen many kitties around lately when I noticed this cat in a mesh roller backpack rolling down the sidewalk in front of me! (It is black and white, so you can really only see it's white patch of fur.) It didn't seem to mind being out and about in a backpack and, in a way, it sort of reminded me of the times that my boyfriend and I used to take Scribble and Doodle for bike rides on our tandem with each in her/his own backpack.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Stray Miami Kitty
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Rude-y Kittianis
Whenever Scribble or Doodle are doing something bad, I call them Rude-y Kittianis (get it?). Well yesterday I was walking around the East Village yesterday and saw this mural of kitties doing very rude things! Much more rude than the things Scribble and Doodle ever do. Although I do not condone the use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco by kitties, I still had to take a picture.
City Kitties Travels: South Beach Cats
I went to South Beach (Miami, not Staten Island!) on an impromptu mini-vacation this past weekend and was delighted (or saddened?) to find that Miami has a lot of cats.

Below is the first cat we saw. It greeted us right near the boardwalk:
We met the rest of the cats while we were meandering down Jefferson St. searching for art deco buildings (and later found that the good stuff is on Ocean Dr.). Unlike the boardwalk sentry, who seemed like it was homeless, I think these were pets:
Entrepreneur Cat
Friday, September 10, 2010
Doorman Cat
This cat is much better than our old neighbor cats who would go onto the fire escape and spy in our kitchen window. That is just too invasive. This cat just spends it's day keeping an eye on who goes in and out of the building.
Monday, September 6, 2010
More Graffiti Cats!
I was in Hell's Kitchen on my way to Amy's Bread to get some delicious Kitchen Sink and Cornmeal Lime cookies with Heidi when we saw some new graffiti cats! This first one was in the same spot as the black one I snapped a shot of a while back, but this time it was green. It also had a very inappropriate sticker right above it, which is why the picture is taken at an angle (thanks, Heidi).
These other cats were on the corner and there were three of them, one each on three of the four sides of the base of the post. I wanted to get a picture of all three at once, but clearly that is impossible.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Dewey came home!
Dewey must have gone on a great kitty adventure because my mom reported that he came home today. After 27 hours out in the wild backyard, I'm sure Dewey is ready for some rest and relaxation.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Dewey, you will be missed
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Produce Cat
I think this is quite possibly the cutest cat I have ever run into in public in my whole entire life! I was in Chinatown recently for lunch with my good friend Volana when we came across this cat sitting in a box with the rest of the produce in a vegetable stand. I know it isn't the most sanitary thing in the world, but you're supposed to wash vegetables before you eat them anyway (at least after reading this post you will!). Notice how his green eyes match the veggies :-D
Telepathic Cat
So a couple of days ago I was walking home from the gym and lamenting to myself how I had seen a two different cats in the past two days (while walking to my gym) and hadn't been able to take a picture (the first cat was gardening with it's owner and I didn't want to look creepy by taking a picture of them and I was on the phone during the sighting of the second) when, out of nowhere, appeared this cute little orange stray. He was definitely afraid of me at first and was making his way to a driveway to hide, but I said "hi" to it and it immediately sat down on the sidewalk to hang out. I felt bad, though, because I think it had something wrong with its left eye.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Cat Walking Man?

To be fair, I did not take this picture but I have an interesting story about it. So one afternoon I got out of work and I saw this very man walking up Broadway with this very cat sitting on his head! I thought that was so awesome but for whatever reason didn't get a picture. The VERY NEXT DAY this picture showed up on icanhascheezburger.com, one of my vices. Crazy, huh?
When my boyfriend and I first got Scribble in 2006 we decided we were going to walk her. Needless to say, that didn't pan out so well (and even worse with Doodle. Scribble actually likes to ride bikes with her head sticking out of a backpack that I wear on my front...). I was definitely impressed with this particular cat's bravery.
Now for an important message from the Ad Council
The same night I saw the white graffiti cat I saw this advertisement on a phone booth near Times Square. The whole message is to not put your cat out on the street if you can't bring him with you when you move. Who would do that?!?!??! I would never move anywhere that Scribble and Doodle couldn't come along and let's say hypothetically I had to I would find a nice person to take care of them.

Always adopt from shelters! Never buy animals in a store!
City Groundhogs?

This past Monday I was in Fort Tryon Park, my favorite park in the whole city, and I saw a cute furry animal. No, not a kitty; a groundhog!! I have never seen a real groundhog and I never would have guessed that I would have seen my first one in a New York City park. I didn't want to get too close which is why it is so small in the picture (see the brown thing near the tree? I circled it to help you out.). All I could think about was how Mayor Bloomberg was bitten by the Staten Island version of Punxsutawney Phil a couple of Groundhog Days ago... It is best just to let wildlife be.
Graffiti Cats

Now, I am not an advocate for defacing property but these graffiti cats that I've seen around the city are so CUTE! And on top of that, they are painted on temporary plywood so they aren't doing serious damage to buildings. I saw the white kitty near 9th Ave on one of the West 50s streets... or maybe in the upper 40s. All I know is it was next door to an Ethiopian restaurant that I ate at once. If I could remember the restaurant's name that would make it easier to find exactly where I was. Anyhow, I saw the white graffiti cat a couple of weeks ago and not long after I ran into the black ones farther downtown near my work on Walker Street east of Broadway. 

Elite Kitty
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Nosy Neighbor II

Since I've finally introduced you to Nosy Neighbor, here is Nosy Neighbor II, one of my psychotic neighbor's three cats, who made a public appearance for the first time yesterday morning.
I walked into the kitchen, as we know by now has the window that leads to the fire escape, and there was a chubster orange cat sitting in the window. At first I was shocked and wondered how Doodle could have possibly gotten outside, but as I got closer I noticed that Doodle was laying on the floor in the kitchen staring at this imposter cat. I opened the screen to say "hi" and I think I frightened him because he hissed and ran back to his own window. But then he came out slowly, but was sure to scent-mark all the crap on his side of the fire escape to show me t
hat is his territory.

Whatever! You can keep all those crazy people's garbage!
Shopping Cat

I saw this cat when I was walking through Tribeca on Friday. I call it Shopping Cat because it was in a pet store on West Broadway. Maybe it was picking up some fun things like treats, nips, or little mouse toys with feathers sticking out of the butt. Either way, I thought it was cute. It looks like Scribble a little bit. Maybe it's her long-lost brother!
Shoe-wearing Cats

Ok, so these cats don't wear shoes but they do live in a veggie (no animal products, like leather) shoe store on Orchard Street. Two of them were chillin' on the store check-out counter while one was sleeping in a cubby hole b
elow the register (you can see him on the green thing). I think the super fuzzy/dirty-looking one was my favorite even though the store clerk said he is a grouch.

Nosy Neighbor

So one Saturday night a few months ago my boyfriend and I were watching SNL on the couch and he turned around and looked in the kitchen and noticed a little cat spying on us in the kitchen window! At first I was surprised and wondered how it got in the window (we live on the second floor), but it turns out our (psychotic) neighbors make their three cats go onto the fire escape to use the litter box (as is apparent in the picture below... for the record, all that crap on the fire escape is THEIRS, not mine. My side is clean.).

After our first meeting with Nosy Neighbor, she started coming by a couple times a week. At first we joked that she was Doodles new girlfriend because he would go to the window, stand on his hind legs, and put his paws on the window when she came by, but then one day we opened the glass part of the window so there was only a screen between them and he hissed at her. Maybe they broke up?
Regardless, Nosy Neighbor still comes by and peeks in our apartment now and then. I definitely prefer to see the cat playing out on the fire escape than our neighbor's three kids who also enjoy spying in our apartment...
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