Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Produce Cat

I think this is quite possibly the cutest cat I have ever run into in public in my whole entire life! I was in Chinatown recently for lunch with my good friend Volana when we came across this cat sitting in a box with the rest of the produce in a vegetable stand. I know it isn't the most sanitary thing in the world, but you're supposed to wash vegetables before you eat them anyway (at least after reading this post you will!). Notice how his green eyes match the veggies :-D

Telepathic Cat

So a couple of days ago I was walking home from the gym and lamenting to myself how I had seen a two different cats in the past two days (while walking to my gym) and hadn't been able to take a picture (the first cat was gardening with it's owner and I didn't want to look creepy by taking a picture of them and I was on the phone during the sighting of the second) when, out of nowhere, appeared this cute little orange stray. He was definitely afraid of me at first and was making his way to a driveway to hide, but I said "hi" to it and it immediately sat down on the sidewalk to hang out. I felt bad, though, because I think it had something wrong with its left eye.


This is Clyde, my good friend Heidi's cat. He is super cute (see how his eyes match the couch cover?) and he licks my nose when I hold him. Allegedly he doesn't love just anyone so the fact that he makes his way off Heidi's bed to say "hi" when I come over makes me feel pretty darn special :)