Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Orange Creamsicle

I'm pretty sure I found the right guy for me based on the fact that he interrupted our phone conversation this evening by saying, "City kitty!  Gotta go," and then hung up on me.  Here is the cute orange creamsicle cat he was referencing.  He found it in Park Slope.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Cat Mosaic

From Heidi: Hell's Kitchen window art.  Awesome!

Friday, July 19, 2013


Chaser is not a cat but, to be fair, she is a very cute and smart dog so I have to post her.  I met Chaser this week when I went with Jimmy to a press event for a book Chaser's owner wrote about training her to learn 1,000 words.  Here she is retrieving her toys by name.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Eli Gato/Cat

I found this graffiti in the bathroom at 4th Down in Williamsburg over the weekend.  The one below is especially classy.


The pet store across the street from Jimmy's apartment (where Puffy and Puffy's Child lived) closed unexpectedly last week, so yesterday we stopped into another pet store in Park Slope to see if they carry the litter he buys.  Not only did they have litter, but they also had this adorable cat, Twix!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


(To be honest, the majority of the pictures on this blog are not that great, so I don't know why I feel the particular need to apologize for this one.  Regardless, this is a crap picture of a cute cat that I've seen before around the corner from where I live.  I typically can't get a picture of him though because I have only seen him while walking to the gym, and almost never have my phone with me.  But yesterday I was coming home from the store and had lots of bags hanging off my arms, hence the super crappy picture.)

I named this cat Triangle because he is black with a white triangle on his face.  Can you see him?

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Jen saw this napping cat Buster in Minneapolis!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Kitty Film Festival!?!

My friend Jen sent me this amazing advertisement that she saw in a newspaper in Minneapolis.  Internet cat film festival?  Yes, please!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Superior Cat

Heidi sent me this cat who she saw at Superior Florist in Midtown today.  He meowed (or, as Heidi described it, yelled) at her through the glass.

Monday, July 8, 2013

City Kitties Travels: Book Mill Bob

The Montague Book Mill in Montague, Massachusetts is one of my favorite places on the planet.  The only thing that could make it any better is to turn this adorable cat in the picture that I found there into a real one :-D

City Kitties Travels: Greenfield Gracie

I have been so busy posting cute non-cat animals to City Kitties that I had completely forgotten to post this little cat I saw in Greenfield, Massachusetts a couple of weeks ago.  Luckily last night I was going through my pictures on my phone and discovered five pictures of this street curb.  Why on earth did I take so many pictures of this curb, I asked myself.  Then I remembered the little brown cat I saw sitting by it.  Can you spot her?

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Brave Bird

Okay, okay, I know, I have been posting waaaaaay too many non-cat animals lately.  But I have seen so many good ones that it is hard to resist!  This cat-shaped birdhouse Jimmy and I spotted on the harbor master's building in Perkins Cove in Maine.  I once bought my mom a cat-shaped birdhouse, but she refuses to hang it outside because she swears that it scares the birds away.  Here is proof that cat birdhouses do no such thing.


This is The Dude's friend and cagemate Walter.  Walter has a strange compulsion to drag this red dog toy behind the couch every time he sees it, hence the video instead of a picture.

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Dude

Yet another non-cat cute animal, but this guy is totally worth posting.  I met Eva's neighbors' pet ferrets yesterday in New Jersey.  This one is The Dude.  One of the neighbors adopted him when he found him cowering outside after somebody abandoned him :,-C  I'm glad he's got a good home now!

City Ducklings

So... these are not cats and, admittedly, this is not one of my better pictures.  I saw this mama duck and her six ducklings swimming around in the reservoir in Flushing Meadows park today, but I was apparently so delirious from the heat that I didn't notice that my finger was covering the camera lens.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

City Kitties Travels: Library Cat

Okay, so it isn't a REAL library cat, but this "Puss 'n' Books" picture that I saw in the Ogunquit library in Maine is too cute not to post.