Thursday, July 24, 2014


I saw this lil black cat on 86th Street tonight! Lasercat!

Pic from Jimmy:


Jimmy saw this kitty very early in the morning on 9th Street in Park Slope!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Fuzzy Five

There are five kitties living on a block in South Park Slope! Three tuxedo cats and two gray striped ones.

Spoiled and Friend

I got dinner with Jimmy and Will tonight in Park Slope and after we saw this little spoiled cat nearby on 6th Ave. Someone had built a nice outdoor house for it. We were so busy weirding out Will by taking lots of pictures of the spoiled cat that we almost missed its companion sitting in the window.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Ling Ling

I saw lil Ling Ling in front of a produce store on Baxter Street in Chinatown today. She was fast asleep on the sidewalk, but I petted her anyway. I think she did not like that I woke her up because she scratched me. The work of a cat blogger is truly perilous...

Ponchy is actually Pancho

Yesterday I hung out with Jimmy where he was cat/dog sitting near Columbia and got to meet Pancho, who we thought was named Ponchy. Pancho was suuuuper loving, and he climbed into my lap while I was petting him. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Gargoyle Cat

This kitty ran away from Jimmy on 113th Street, but he found her sitting up on a ledge. Jimmy saw so many kitties this week!

Update: Here is another picture he took yesterday!

Another Morningside Cat

Jimmy saw this kitty in Morningside Park!

Playing Neighbor

Jimmy saw this kitty on my block. It was playing with another kitty!

New Neighbor

Jimmy saw this kitty on my block. I don't think I've ever seen this one before!

Laser Neighbor

Jimmy saw this kitty catty near my apartment the other day.


Jimmy saw this kitty at Samad Deli on Broadway near Columbia!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

City Kitties Travels: Malificent

This kitty lives down the street in Maine, and she is suuuuper friendly loving cat.

McMansion Babycat

I spotted this orange kitty in the window of the neighbor's house in Maine yesterday! I didn't know they had a cat.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

La Roja

I ordered this awesome sour ale last night, and didn't even know there was a pirate kitty on the bottle until I got my drink! Cute!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Doodle + Bubbles = Magic

How cute is Doodle playing with these bubbles? Please forgive my fan falling out of the window at the end.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Seamless Bodega Cats

Heidi sent me this Seamless ad today. It reminded me of how City Kitties started with bodega cat pictures :)

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Country Chipmunk

See the cute lil chipmunk who lives near the house in Maine??? It is sitting on the edge of the stump. Love!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Travel Cat

Jimmy saw this kitty outside Oriental Travel on Atlantic Ave. the other day. Cute!!!!