Thursday, July 30, 2015

One of Many 123rd St. Cats

Here's another 123rd St. cat from Jimmy.


I saw this kitty in the window of a pet store on Lenox Ave. the other day!

Gatita Boricua Mural

I was in Alphabet City the other day and saw this mural with a kitty, coquis, and other animals at a veterinarian's office. I have a sneaking suspicion that the vet has never actually treated a coqui.

Portugal Cat

Jen is traveling in Europe and sent me this cat that she met in Portugal!

Another Costco Cat

Jimmy and I walked over to Costco yesterday to buy tons 'o crap when we saw another kitty in the alley way near the store, where we saw a kitty back in the fall.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Pinot's Neighbor

Jimmy is catsat Pinot this week and saw one of his neighbors the other day.

Yet Another (Other?) 123rd St. Cat

I saw this kitty yesterday when I was walking to Columbia on 123rd St. It is very cute, but I wonder if this is one of the many 123rd St. kitties that Jimmy has sent me.

UWS Window Cat

I saw this kitty when I was on my way to the AMNH on the UWS the other day!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Athens City Kitty

My friend Jen is traveling in Europe for the next few weeks and is starting in Greece... Not the best timing, but I think things are going okay for her over there because she just sent me this City Kitty that she met in Athens!

Monday, July 20, 2015

City Ducks

I was at Columbia earlier today and checked out the theological seminary there. In the courtyard they have resident ducks!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Bay Ridge City Kittens

Oh. My. Goooooooooosh!!!! These kittens that Heidi found in Bay Ridge are so incredibly KEEEEEEEET!!!!! (Countdown to when Heidi expresses displeasure with my use of "cute" commences.)

Leung Tsai

I saw Leung Tsai at a dried seafood store in Chinatown yesterday afternoon. I think this is one of the luckiest cats to be featured in City Kitties; he lives in a house full of treats!

James (Another!)

I was in the East Village the other night on my way to Taqueria Diana when I saw this little orange cat in the bodega on the corner. His name is James, like this kitty that I saw in a brewery in upstate New York a while back. He is very cute but has enooooormous balls. It is important to spay and neuter, people!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sunset Pet

Brenda sent me a picture of her friend's cat who lives in Sunset Park. >^..^<


I saw this kitty this evening when I was walking home from the gym. It was on 107th St. near Lexington.


My friend Brenda sent me this kitty that she saw in her backyard in Carroll Gardens/Cobble Hill (I can never figure out which is which), Brooklyn. Her husband, Ian, calls the cat Lunchbox, and their neighbor feeds it.

Guard Cat and Dog

I was walking to Columbia University yesterday for my first day as a visiting scholar (!!) there and saw this cat and dog in an apartment window. The dog barked, so I was a little scared to take the picture.

Babycats for Adoption

I saw these four kittens in the window of a pet adoption agency on Centre St. in Soho yesterday.

Saturday, July 11, 2015


I rode my bike around the circumference of Manhattan today and stopped to check out the Little Red Lighthouse under the George Washington Bridge in Washington Heights. I hung out for a bit and took some pictures, then when I went back to my bike I noticed a little parakeet nipping around in the grass! It fluttered around a bit, and landed on my bike for a while, before flying back under the bridge with its other parakeet friends. I guess there are more house birds in the city than just Brooklyn!

Friday, July 10, 2015


Cal sent me a picture of his brother's kitten, Sebastian. He looks like Scribble, but is a catdog like Doodle >^..^<

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Bronx Brothers

I saw these two kitties in the South Bronx yesterday. Cute!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Florist Cat

My friend Suzy got married last weekend, and she saw this cat a day or two before when she went to her florist to finalize some details.