I am small and grey and I love bags, especially when they are black so I can fur all over them and then everyone will know that mom has a cat already. She does not need any more!. I also like to kick Doodle in the face and bite him when he is licking me. My favorite foods are tunas, kibbles, and ice cream. When mom and boymom are watching tv I stand in front of it so they can pay more attention to me! I enjoy looking out the window and being much bigger than all the little humans outside. When my mom picks me up, I usually push her face away
Hi! I'm Doodle! I love you, do you love me? Do you have any food for me? Would you like to hold and hug and love me? And feed me? I am big and fat and orange because I love kibbles!!!! And I like to eat all of Scribble's kibbles because she is bulimic and when she eats too many kibbles she barfs them on the floor and they are almost like new!
I was born in the Bronx and I was homeless there for a long time because when I was arrested and brought to jail in Manhattan I was skinny-minny, but now I am making up for it! I am also afraid of brooms because my moms think people would shoo me away with brooms when I was homeless. Then my moms picked me up from jail and I was so happy, but so scared and all my furs were flying everywhere but I was purring like crazy-bone. Then I came home to Brooklyn and met my big (but really little) sister, Scribble. I love her so much!!! But it took her a long time to sort of like me. Sometimes when she is sleeping I clean her face with my tongue. Then we moved to Queens. One time my moms brought me on a trip to Staten Island, so I have been to all five boroughs! I am so more well-traveled than Scribble. But she is more fashionable than me, because she wears makeups on her eyes.
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