Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"Kitty Kitty"

Sometimes I stop by a building supply store in Chinatown to get things for work (e.g. goo gone... really useful product, by the way). A really cute cat lives there and spends most of its time sleeping on a box on the floor in one of the aisles. The store is so crowded with random things that I almost didn't even see him; he blended right in! When I asked one of the men working in the store what the cat's name was, he shrugged and said "Kitty Kitty?"

Once and a while when I walk by the store Kitty Kitty is sitting in the window. God only knows how he even gets to the window because there is so much stuff in the way!

Here is Kitty Kitty waking up from a nap on his favorite box:

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