Thursday, January 16, 2014

City Kitties Travels: Wat Arun Cats

The first place that we saw cats in Bangkok was at Wat Arun, which was closed by the time we got there.  But you could still walk around the premises and since there were no tourists and the temple was lit up very nicely I think it was actually better that way.  It was also ideal for seeing some of the many, many kitties who live there.  At first I was kind of upset to see so many cats, but then I noticed that the temple's monks feed them.

Here is the kitten that greeted us at the temple.  And yes, that is poop next to it.

More Wat Arun cats:

Black cat wanted to play:

Black cat also had only one eye >^. ^<

Tiny kitten, with my goofy foot for scale:

Two cats and a Buddha:

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